Entries by MarkLatina

Winter Care Tips for Healthy, Comfortable Eyes

As those holiday selfies are right around the corner, the last thing you want is to exhibit red, irritated eyes. The inherent weather changes that occur during this time of year make that a real possibility. We don’t tend to think about how harsh winter weather can be on the eyes, spending most of our […]

How to Combat Dry Eyes

Suffering from dry eyes can make everyday tasks like driving or even having a conversation with someone to be a bit irritating— especially if you suffer from chronic dry eye. And unless you want to spend the majority of your day blinking in order to moisturize your dry eyes, then you need to look for […]

Your Eyes. Quite Simply Amazing.

Your eyes are not just one of the many parts of your anatomy, your eyes are extremely complex, consisting of seven main parts that focus on objects, transmit information to your brain and detect light. Every human eye is unique. In fact, as early as the 1950’s, scientists suggested that the patterns of folds and […]

Cataract Information You Should Know

What is a cataract? Many people “of a certain age” deal with this frustrating eye condition where the lens of their eye gradually becomes cloudy, resulting in blurred vision and some vision loss. You may have heard some anecdotes about who gets cataracts and why and what can be done about them. Regardless of what […]

How Diabetes Affects Your Precious Eyes

Diabetes not only affects your body, it also affects your eyes. Did you know that people with diabetes are more likely to develop cataracts at an earlier age and are twice as likely to develop glaucoma as are non-diabetics? However, the primary eye condition caused by diabetes is diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of blindness […]

Learning About Macular Degeneration

Maintaining your wellness profile is an important lifestyle goal, and knowledge is a powerful tool to help you in that endeavor. Your eyes are vulnerable to many different conditions as you age, so staying informed about your eyes and the conditions that may affect them is crucial. Did you know that Macular Degeneration (AMD) is […]

Do You Have “Floaters”?

You’re not alone if you see squiggly, flickery, little black spots in your eyes that seem to disappear when you try to look directly at them. Although they seem strange and may even be alarming, the truth is seven out of ten people experience some version of eye floaters during their lives. There are different […]

What Do You Know About Glaucoma?

Your eyes are precious and caring for them is a top priority. There are many conditions and diseases that can affect your eyes and your vision – glaucoma, the “silent thief of sight,” is one of them. What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve in which the nerve damage leads to […]