Cataract Information You Should Know

Cataract What is a cataract? Many people “of a certain age” deal with this frustrating eye condition where the lens of their eye gradually becomes cloudy, resulting in blurred vision and some vision loss. You may have heard some anecdotes about who gets cataracts and why and what can be done about them. Regardless of what you know or have heard, read on to learn 8 surprising cataract facts:

1.Cataracts can occur in children and young adults, not just older folks.
2.Cataracts in children and young adults are usually associated with some type of risk factor or other health-related event.
3.Cataracts can be present at birth, although this is uncommon.
4.Over 20 million Americans have cataracts, with three million new cases diagnosed each year.
5.Cataracts are most common in men and women over the age of 40.
6.You can get cataracts if you have diabetes or have had an eye injury.
7.Taking vitamins or low does aspirin does not prevent cataracts
8.Cataracts can’t be treated with eye drops or medicines.

What’s the take-away? Cataracts can be successfully treated with surgery.
•Cataract surgery is extremely safe and is up to 95% successful.
•Most people don’t choose to have surgery when they first develop cataracts.
•Surgery is usually the best option when the cataracts begin to cause enough vision loss to interfere with daily activities such as reading, working and driving.
•Your vision will improve in a few days following your cataract removal surgery.
•You will be able resume your normal activities fairly soon, and your vision will continue to improve in the weeks and months following surgery.

Dr. Latina specializes in cataract surgery and is aware of the apprehensions his patients may have about this surgery. He uses the most advanced and precise method of cataract removal, providing optimum results. We invite you to call to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Latina, especially if you believe your eyesight is suffering due to cataracts.

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